It is great to hear from you and hear how things are going back in the good ol USA. Paraguay is great, and even though the cold is on and off, it is still hot haha. Constantly sweating. Haha. Mom it's funny you mention that I didn't like to eat outside when I was home because now it's all I do and I love it. At least when the weather is nice and you can sit under a nice mango tree, there is really nothing better. I don't know why I always wanted to eat inside.
Things are good though, we are just looking for some new investigators. Our pool of investigators is pretty low right now because we have had to drop quite a few, so we are really just looking for some really interested people right now. Changes are in about a week and I won't lie, I am ready for a change. I am hoping I can go out lejos again, and see the beauties of Paraguay and the more humble people. I am sure this next area will be my last, so if I get changed I hope it's a place I am excited for.
The recent convert Lorena had a really cool story this week. We went over there to talk to her about member missionary work, and a little more about temples, and she had such a cool story. She said she was waiting for her son to come out of school. She always reads her books (scriptures, Gospel Principles) when she is waiting. A woman was walking by and said hello and asked if she could sit down with her and talk. Lorena, not being shy at all, said of course. So they sat and talked for awhile. The lady told Lorena that she is a prostitute and feels horrible with her life, but does it to help feed her family. She then asked Lorena about the books, and about the church, and Lorena bore her testimony of baptism and receiving remission of sins. COOL!! She said she felt the spirit so strong when this lady came to her and was looking for guidance. She said it felt good to testify and help this lady. WAY COOL!! New converts have such strong and fresh testimonies, they are such good missionaries. She is also preparing to go to the temple and do baptisms there, which will be sweet!
Other than that stuff, nothing else is happening. I love the mission and I love Paraguay. The mission flies way too fast and I don't want to waste any of that precious time. I love you all so much and thank God everyday for the awesome family he gave me.
Elder Pearson
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