This week was mas o menos, a little rough here and there, but that always makes us stronger. We had to drop a lot of investigators this week just because none of them were keeping the promises they made to read, pray and go to church, so we had to drop them and now we are super duper focused on our finding efforts. Things this next week are going to turn around without a doubt! We were able to go to the Temple this week, and it was well needed, as well as have an interview with President. I learned a lot from my interview and a lot from the temple. President really pushed about contacts in our interview and stressed that we should be contacting way more than we are. As a missionary contacting is not always the most fun thing to do, but now as we are dry of investigators, it is how we are going to find those chosen people. So, this next change is going to be really contactalicious. The temple was great and there is no doubt in my mind that it is the House Of The Lord. We were able to do baptisms and then a session. I got to do the record keeping for the baptisms, which is just a check mark, but it brought back some cool memories of my office job, about writing in the book of life. There is a story about 2 brothers, one who goes to the temple, and one who doesn't. The one who doesn't has a dream about life after death. He and his brother are walking side by side, but his brother is getting greeted and hugged by tons of people. He thinks to himself, why don't these people greet me? He then realized why and started going to the temple regularly. That is a shortened version of the story, but it is cool to think about the people who are going to be so grateful for the work we do for them. Go to the Temple!!!
Well, as this last change has been honestly really tough, we are excited about this next change and the success that we will have. As I was reading one day in personal study in Alma 17, I came across verse 11 and it set the tone for this last change and the change to come. It says, And the Lord said unto them also: Go forth among the Lamanites, thy brethren, and establish my word; yet ye shall beapatient in long-suffering and afflictions, that ye may show forth good bexamples unto them in me, and I will make an instrument of thee in my hands unto the salvation of many souls.
Patience in long-suffering and afflictions will help us be instruments, and we will bring many souls to salvation. I love you guys so much and the mission is amazing. It is true, you really can't describe your mission with words, you really can only come to know what it is by living it. The gospel is true, and the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints is the only church that brings us salvation. A person can't get to real peace and happiness in life until they read the Book of Mormon and utilize its' teachings in their lives. I love you guys!!
Elder Pearson
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