HAPPY BIRTHDAY ALYSSA!!!!!!!! I hope it's a good one.
HAPPY EASTER EVERYBODY!!!!!! And if you're from South America, HAPPY SEMANA SANTA EVERYONE!!!!!!!
There is never a bad week in the mission. There are some weeks that are harder than others and maybe you teach less lessons, but you are always learning and are always receiving lessons from God. The Semana Santa here in Paraguay is when the people celebrate the death and the resurrection of Christ. A lot of people cook Chipa (cheese bread) and other Paraguayan traditional foods. But, most the people here don't have work or school, so everybody likes to drink. We had some funny encounters late at night when we were walking home. We were able to visit quite a few members this week and at the beginning of the week do a lot of service, so it was good. We have some cool investigators that are progressing somewhat, it just feels sometimes like no one is sticking, like no one wants to read, pray or go to church. It has been tough, but still rewarding. That is the best part of missionary work. It is hard, but you are always progressing personally.
This Thursday we are going to be able to go to the temple!!!!! I am super excited. It feels like it has been way too long. We also get to have interviews with Presidente Madaraiga which I am excited for. In every single interview I have had with him I come out more excited about the work and ready to work hard. I am a little afraid with how fast time is really flying. Sometimes I feel like I am running out of time.
The Atonement of Jesus Christ is our ticket back to the Father. I know that he suffered my sins, weaknesses, pains, and did the same for every other of God's children. The Only Begotten of the Father, even the Savior, Jesus Christ, fell on his face while bearing and experiencing our pains and sins. To not use that sacrifice and gift would be a shame. God gave us his Son and Jesus Christ gave us his life, the ultimate sacrifice that shows us his pure love. Use it and be healed through Christ.
I love this scripture, "Nevertheless, after wading through much tribulation, repenting nigh unto death, the Lord in mercy hath seen fit to snatch me out of an everlasting burning and I am born of God. Mosiah 27 verse 28
I love you guys A TON!!! I hope all goes well with this next week. God bless!!
Elder Pearson
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