Hey Everybody!!
Things here in Paraguay are good and we are working really hard. This change and probably next change I have the chance to train Elder Bailon! He is from Westminster,California and speaks Spanish and English. His parents are from Mexico, so he has a really good accent. The mission is working on a new program with the trainers. We have been focusing a lot on the 8 fundamental principles and how they really help the spirit guide us in our lessons. It is a good program. The problem is that we do 2 extra hours of studying, which is kinda nice, but it hurts the work a little bit. Really this area is awesome. I love it and I think this is the coolest Bishop I have had on my mission so far, but I feel the Lord is really testing me and my abilities. It is weird because I really want to have some good lessons and things for my companion to learn from, but the people have really been tough lately.
It is like when I first got here and we did the White Wash. It was tough and almost no one let us in to talk. But, we kept trying and trying and eventually we saw some good blessings. I have felt a lot on my mission that the Lord can really test us and put us low just so that he can bring us back up again. It is simple. When we fall, we get back up, and right now I feel like we are struggling to get back up. I love this gospel and I know it's true and it is so hard sometimes to see people feel the spirit testify to them of it and then they don't follow it. It is part of God's plan that we have our agency, but sometimes people really ignore what they are feeling. But, as my kid has taught me and helped me with, as long as we are working our best, the Lord notices that and he will bless us regardless. So, rough now, but I know good things are to come.
Things here in Paraguay are good and we are working really hard. This change and probably next change I have the chance to train Elder Bailon! He is from Westminster,California and speaks Spanish and English. His parents are from Mexico, so he has a really good accent. The mission is working on a new program with the trainers. We have been focusing a lot on the 8 fundamental principles and how they really help the spirit guide us in our lessons. It is a good program. The problem is that we do 2 extra hours of studying, which is kinda nice, but it hurts the work a little bit. Really this area is awesome. I love it and I think this is the coolest Bishop I have had on my mission so far, but I feel the Lord is really testing me and my abilities. It is weird because I really want to have some good lessons and things for my companion to learn from, but the people have really been tough lately.
It is like when I first got here and we did the White Wash. It was tough and almost no one let us in to talk. But, we kept trying and trying and eventually we saw some good blessings. I have felt a lot on my mission that the Lord can really test us and put us low just so that he can bring us back up again. It is simple. When we fall, we get back up, and right now I feel like we are struggling to get back up. I love this gospel and I know it's true and it is so hard sometimes to see people feel the spirit testify to them of it and then they don't follow it. It is part of God's plan that we have our agency, but sometimes people really ignore what they are feeling. But, as my kid has taught me and helped me with, as long as we are working our best, the Lord notices that and he will bless us regardless. So, rough now, but I know good things are to come.
It is still hot here in Paraguay, but is getting a little bit cooler everyday, and at night, which means the winter is coming. I can't wait!!! It is weird. I went through my last summer in Paraguay, but the sweating never stops.
I love you guys a TON!!!
Elder Pearson
I love you guys a TON!!!
Elder Pearson
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