All is well here in Paraguay and it is HOT!!
To be honest this week nothing really happened. We have just been working a ton in the office with Christmas stuff, and the time we have in the field has been lacking a bit. Hopefully, all is well with each of you in the cold winter. It is crazy to think that Christmas is right around the corner. Time is flying by so dang fast. We have been in the office so much because we have been working on the Christmas gift for all the missionaries. It is a DVD with 3 pictures from every missionary, and the Hermana wants it NICE. Besides that nothing too much has happened. I just can´t wait to get out of the office and get back to the field. With all the lack of lessons and real missionary work getting done, my juices for the work are full, so when I get back out, I am going to hit the ground running.
I love you all so very much and don´t think I will ever be able to thank God for all the blessings He has given me, especially my family and friends.
Love you guys,
Elder Pearson
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