It is crazy to see how big all the kids have gotten. They all look huge! Also, congratulations to Nikki and Justin on the baby boy. I am excited to have another nephew in the fam! It is so good to hear that you are all having a good time together and all traveled safe. Our mission President doesn´t want us calling on Christmas so I am going to call on Saturday at 4:00 my time which I think is 11:00 your time. Hopefully that works out, if not I guess just email me again and we will change it. I am excited to talk to you guys. Hopefully, we can do skype. We will have to see how many cameras we have here in the office, but I will most likely be doing skype. We are going to have dinner at Presidente Madariaga´s house on Saturday night and then on Sunday afternoon we are going over to an American family's home to have lunch, (They work in the Embassy) and then we will probably hang out and open stuff up here in the office.
This week was once again a pretty rough one. The work in the field didn´t go that well, and I am writing today because all day yesterday (my p-day) and during church today I was in the hospital with another Elder named Elder Valderrama. He had Apendacitis and it had exploded so we switched off turns this week in the hospital staying with him. Now, I have never had my Apendix taken out, but never in my life have I heard someone cry and whine so much as this kid did. I swear every minute something was wrong, and not to mention the food. Hospital food is not the best, but not bad enough to kill you. It was an experience, but tranquilo, he is out of the hospital now and in President's house. So, besides a division with the Assitants, I didn't really get to go out in the field and work too much, which is really difficult. This week my comp will be getting his replacement in the office, which means I am closer to getting out of here, because that will make me the oldest 'oficinista en la oficina.' I won´t lie, while I sweat the least here in the office, it has been the hardest time of my mission so far. It has been rewarding, but also has been one of the hardest times of my mission and one of the hardest times in my life for the cause of a lot of things. I love you all so very much and God bless you all on this holiday week!
Love, Elder Pearson
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