Hey Everybody!!
This last week was good, a little better in the field for us, and we got some decent stuff going in our area. With the Holidays coming around, the office is going to be crazy because we are going to have a lot of stuff to do for the Hermana. We went to one of the ladies in our carpeta de area, and she was a really cool lady. Reminded me a lot of Gloria, (the one that moved to EspaƱa) really funny and excited about the gospel. We had a cool lesson with her about the restoration and the same question that Joseph Smith had since there are so many churches today. It was a good spiritual lesson. I also had the chance to go on a division with Elder Cerda, one of the Assistants who goes home this Wednesday. I always learn something from him, he is such a good missionary and the division was really good. We also had the chance last night to do a reference activity with the Obispo and his family. We watched the Reflections of Christ clip of when Jesus comes to the Americas and talked about 3 Nephi 11. Then we told them to write down everyone they know and can think about. We got 5 really good references and I think they will be good investigators.
Other than all of that, nothing too crazy happened this week. We have been working a ton in the office and ficha week is coming up soon, and it is always a little crazy. Also concelio is coming up which means tons of Zone leaders will be in the office. I won't lie, the time here in the office flies sooooo fast, sometimes I can't believe it. I love you all so much and have been so blessed in my life to have a family and friends like all of you. Every single person that I have ever come across in my life has aided me to get to the point where I am at right now. I am so grateful for the love and support I feel from each one of you. I know Jesus Christ lives and that he loves us so much. I know that The Book Of Mormon is true and that it has the fullness of the Gospel. If someone reads The Book Of Mormon with a sincere heart it is promised that they will know of its truthfulness. The scriptures tell us so much and have been handed down for a reason. I love Elder Scott's quote from conference. ¨Scriptures are like packets of light that illuminate our minds and give place to guidance and inspiration from on high.¨ Scriptures are our connection to revelation from God. I have come to truly love the scriptures and even though it has taken me until now to realize it, they have a power straight from our Heavenly Father.
I know He and His Son love you and I love you too.
Elder Pearson
Hey so don't worry about the scriptures Mom I already bought some. Luckily the distribution centre is close to us. I am going to buy a camera this Wednesday since we have to go do mail down in the centre and they are cheaper. Thank you so much for the packages. I still haven't opened the wrapped stuff don't worry, but thanks for the packages they mean a lot.
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