I hope you all had a great time eating a ton of delicious food! It is a blessing that even though everyone is all over the world you can still see each other and talk. (Russell on Skype from Afghanistan) My Thanksgiving was AWESOME! The Hermana Madariaga set up a whole dinner for us. All the women who work here in the office cooked a Thanksgiving dinner for us. Like real American Thanksgiving with stuffing, turkey, mashed potatoes, APPLE PIE, PUMPKIN PIE!!!! It was sooo good and the nicest part about it is that they don´t celebrate Thanksgiving so they did it just for us. We also said three things we were thankful for so it was kinda a trunky little Thanksgiving. Ha. Then that night, we went to President's house to drop some stuff off and the Hermana of course offered us food, and we couldn't say no. So we went in and talked and ate a sandwich or two and then we had to drive the Assistants to another area for a division. We went outside to leave and our car had gotten broken into. It is weird though because they didn't steal the Ipod or the cellphones, just our work bags with our triples and bibles, and sadly, my camera was in mine. Luckily, I saved all my pictures on pin drives, but the camera kinda stinks. But tranquilo, hopefully the guys who stole our stuff will open the scriptures to a marked one, read it and want to be converted.
Also, this last Sunday we had a Primary presentation which was really cool, and something I never thought I would see here in Paraguay. It was really funny to see all the kids up there. It made me miss all my nieces and nephews a ton! Besides that, nothing too much else is happening. The office is crazy. It is going soo fast in here, but that's ok cuz I can't wait to get back out there sweating in the hot Paraguayan kuarahy (sun). Our area is struggling quite a bit right now. I won't lie. It has been really tough because every investigator we have had has fallen or moved, so we are kind of dry right now and it is tough to find new investigators since we only have a little time in our area, but the Lord will provide! I love you soo much and am so grateful for you guys. These are my around the table thankfuls that we always do in our house. 1. My family, who support me and always show me love and support while I am here in Paraguay, and just in life in general, also for all of the examples that you have given me. 2. My Savior, Redeemer, and Brother Jesus Christ, who died for all of us, and is our ultimate example. I love you guys a ton. God bless you all with the blessings that I know you all deserve.
Mom I had to tell you that we had rolls that were awesome, not as good as yours of course, but still up there. I will send pictures soon I just need to get them from another elder now Ha Ha.
Elder Pearson
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