So this week was great, nothing too exciting happening with our investigators, but we had the chance to have interviews with Presidente Madariaga and go to the temple. The temple was awesome! Really a great refresher and opportunity to feel the spirit of the Savior and of our Heavenly Father. We had the chance to do baptisms and confirmations as well, which was really great. Then after the temple the whole office crew went to McDonalds! Ha. It was delicious and there is no better way to end a day at the temple than a good ol' BIG MAC. My interview with President went really well and I know that he is called of God to serve as my mission president here in Paraguay. He really loves the missionaries so much and would do anything to help them.
Basically, nothing really too exciting besides that happened. Oh, we found a cool investigator named Felix. He is 16 and told us he found Jesus Christ about a year ago and wants to start following Him again. (awesome) He is way cool, just hard to find sometimes. Hopefully, church goes well tomorrow, and our investigators can come and feel the spirit.
This week, and when I was in the temple, my mind has been drifting to the topic of Faith, and how important and necessary it is in our lives. This morning I did the Christlike attributes thingy at the end of Preach my Gospel, and it really helped me put into perspective how I am doing. My goal in this life is to become like my Savior Jesus Christ, to obtain every attribute and quality that he has, so this attribute thingy really helped me to know in what I am lacking. In Ether 12:12, it says, "For if there be no afaith among the children of men God can do no bmiracle among them; wherefore, he showed not himself until after their faith.¨
As members of the Church of Jesus Christ, we know that God and Jesus Christ can give us miracles and have given us miracles, but it is only possible through our faith. Sometimes we receive trials of faith, but if we trust in our Lord, and give it all to him, and don´t doubt, we can expect the miracle, and the blessings, to come. I love this gospel so much and am so grateful for the chance I have to spread it to the people of Paraguay.
Love you guys and God bless,
Elder Pearson
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