Hey Everybody,
This week was a great week with lots of cool stuff happening with conference and some of our investigators. Conference was great and it is always such a blessing to hear the words and guidance of the church leaders and especially our Prophet. I loved all the talks I was able to hear. We missed a little bit of the Sunday morning session because we were picking up an investigator, but all the talks that I was able to hear were great. I especially loved President Uchdorft´s talk and how he reminded us that we are never alone, that constantly our Heavenly Father and Savior, Jesus Christ are with us. I love that because as we look out into the world and see people, we have no idea what is going on in their mind and hearts, sometimes even people who are close to us, it may seem ok, but only the Savior knows what that person is feeling. It is good to remember that he is always waiting to help us in any situation we may be in. Also, I wasn´t able to watch the Priesthood Session, but I heard from some people that they talked about a man named Misiego from Spain that served in Arizona and found the man that baptized his father. Hermano Misiego was my MTC teacher!! Kinda crazy. I remember him telling us that story one day. It is awesome to know how much good one baptism can do and how many generations can be blessed because of one person's choice to be baptized and make that covenant with God.
Talking about baptism, we had the baptism of Claudia Wilson. It was a great baptism and was super spiritual. She was baptized on Thursday and will get confirmed tomorrow. The Obispo (Bishop) baptized her and I think she is going to be a very strong member of the church. She is going to move back to Australia at the end of 2012, and asked us if the church is there too. She is so excited to go to church every Sunday and it has been cool to see the spirit work in her life and testify to her of the truth of this gospel.
At conference we had another one of our great investigators, Gloria. She is progressing well and we had a really cool chance to take her to the temple grounds after conference. It was lucky because we usually can't do that since the temple isn't in our area. It was a perfect clear night and the sun was setting so the colors looked really cool, not to mention the temple here in Asuncion is super pretty. But, as we stood there and I was testifying of my Savior, Jesus Christ, the spirit was so strong, and with the angel Moroni as the backdrop of my view it couldn't have been better. I know she felt the spirit and I know it testified to her that our Savior, Jesus Christ, lives and loves us. It was a really cool experience.
Besides those couple things, nothing else really happened. The office is good, and I had Ficha (Numbers) week again this last week, but "por suerte" (luckily) everything went down without a problem. I am excited to see what this next year on my mission will bring. I have already learned so much this past year about myself, about where my priorities are and what I want them to be, but more importantly about my brother, Jesus Christ. The scriptures and the spirit within them have been my guide in receiving the testimony I have of my Savior. I am so grateful for his sacrifice, and for all he did, and does for us. I know he loves me and each of his brothers and sisters here on this earth. I know he lives, and that each one of us will be resurrected and can have the opportunity to live with him, our Heavenly Father, and our families forever. I love you all so very much and God bless.
Elder Pearson
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