Hey Everybody!!!
This week was really amazing! We had Zone Conference with Elder Arnold from the Quorum of the Seventy. It was an amazing four days that he was here and the spirit was so strong. First off, we had the chance to have an office meeting with him and he really didn't talk about office stuff at all. It was basically a super spiritual meeting with him bearing testimony and lifting our spirits. He told us some things that I will never forget and something really cool that he said was, "The things I teach you will be useful in your life now and in the eternities." Kinda cool. He taught some really cool stuff. After that we had our zone conference like two days later. It was a great meeting and once again you could cut the spirit with a knife. The feeling in that room was soooo strong. He told us a lot of things and really focused on the spirit. He said that "silencio es oro," (silence is golden) and I have really come to realize how true that is. When we are talking and thinking about Christ, nothing is more important than silence, to aid us in receiving revelation and guidance from our Heavenly Father. Another awesome experience that we were able to have with him was when me and my comp got to drive him to the airport. It was cool. He told us some stories about him being in front of the Prophet and the 12 and just some stuff about his life before he was a general authority. The only thing I regret is not having the chance to get a picture with him and his wife, but tranquilo.
As far as our area goes, it is going well. We have three really great progressing investigators who are all progressing toward baptism and are really soaking in and understanding the gospel. We have been focusing on the Doctrine of Christ in 3 Nephi, and it explains it so well. I wish I could only be as good of a teacher as Jesus Christ. I love this gospel so much. I love its simplicity and the comfort and hope that it gives to each of us. I know my Savior and Redeemer, Jesus Christ, lives and that through him we have the opportunity to be resurrected and live in eternal happiness together. I love my family and thank you guys so much for all the support and love that you give to me.
God bless.
Elder Pearson
Mom, to explain the pictures from my last email...the box just says Fichero on it as a joke, and the money thing was because the finance guy went to the bank and got out a ton of money so we decided to take a picture of us. Sorry, I know we are goofballs, but you gotta do something to keep yourself sane in the office.
Sounds like everyone is doing really well and it is great to hear that Connor is walking! Ooooohhhh, ok, so it's a hurricane. The people here told us it was an earthquake that hit New York and we might feel a little bit of it here. Love the people here so much.
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