Hey Everybody!
This week was really good and we have some great stuff going in our area. The office is good too, and at the end of the change we are getting 30 new missionaries!!! Which,is a ton. So, it will be kinda crazy here for a couple days. Besides that I have just been doing normal office stuff. It was ficha week this last week, which means that I was bugging all the missionaries in the mission to send in the registros. Besides that our area is going to get a little bigger. The APs are going to open a new area and we are getting most of their area. So to learn a little of their area I went on a division with Elder Christen, one of the APs, and we talked to the coolest investigator. They had contacted her house before and left her a Book of Mormon. The first thing she says is, ¨Hey I read that book you left, and I really like it.¨ We had a good lesson and talked to her about how we can receive an answer to our prayers through the Holy Spirit. She loved it and we invited her to be baptized and then to come to church. She said, "Ok, so this sunday I go to church and get baptized there?" She is super excited to get to know the church and be baptized. She is really cool.
Also, in our area last night, we had an awesome lesson with one of our investigators. To start off we sang the song Divina Luz (Lead Kindly Light) and we went on with the lesson. Near the end of the lesson I asked how she felt when we had been talking to her and teaching. She said, "I feel good, but when you guys sang that song, I felt something different. I felt tranquilidad and something warm inside." It was a really cool experience. We told her that is the spirit and it is testifying to you of the truth of what we are saying. It was a really spiritual meeting.
When I was on my division with E. Christen, we went to an inactive family's house. The son talked to us, and I was telling him I was born in Jersey and live in California now. He said he had family in New Jersey. His family is from Toms River, and his cousin plays basketball and soccer for them. I know it's a long shot, but they are the family Cañety. Since I am in a really chuchi part of Paraguay, a lot of people have family in the states, a lot from the east coast. But besides those things the week was normal.
I love you guys so much and have been so blessed with a family and friends like you. Every single person in my life has played a part in shaping me and helping get to where I am today, so thank you to everyone, my family and my friends who are always there for me.
A cool quote I found says, ¨dont crawl when your spirit wants to soar¨
Love you guys God bless
-Elder Pearson
Thank you Mom for the fiddle sticks, they are perfect, and I cant wait to use them today. It is always so good to hear from all of you and get all your e-mails. I love the picture of Grandma and Grandpa Pearson on their wedding day. Grandma is so pretty, and Grandpa was such a stud! As far as the Christmas package, just send lots of candy. Ha. No, but really anything is good, Reeses, Peanut M and Ms anything sweet, Starbursts.
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