The attached pictures are one I used in my powerpoint for the news, to see what I do, and the other is from a recent convert's birthday.
This week was filled with lots of stuff to do, and some good work in our area. Basically, in the office we are all getting ready for zone conference this next week. Elder Arnold from the Seventy is coming, so everything needs to be perfect here before he comes. Basically, just lots of little things needing to get done, but that stuff is not important. In our area, where the real important stuff happens, we found a really awesome new investigator. Her name is Gloria, and she was a reference from a contact. She is super nice and really feels like she has been lacking God and His Spirit in her life. Something we have been doing lately is asking people how they would feel if they could erase their sins. We asked her the same thing and of course, we feel awesome. We also found another new investigator named Luisa. She lives at the edge of our area, and pretty much it was a blessing that we found houses back where she lives. We saw a path and were like, why not, and it led us to a row of houses. While we were teaching her, and literally at the most spiritual part of the lesson, her drunk husband walked out, and thought we were Jehovah´s Witnesses. He said, I know why you are here, you just sell your little books and pamphlets and try to steal from the Paraguayans. We said, "No we are here only to spread the word of God, and bring the gospel of Jesus Christ to the Paraguayans." He finally calmed down and we told him we were there from a different church, the one of Jesus Christ. Finally, he completely changed and asked us to come back on Sunday. Kinda a funny/cool experience.
Besides that we have just been getting ready for Elder Arnold to come, and I have been putting registros into the computer. The time flies sooooo fast in the office, it scares me kinda. I have really missed the field since being in the office. All I know is that when they let me loose, I am going to preach like no missionary has ever preached before. I was just reading in 3 Nephi 17, about when Jesus Christ comes to the Americas. I love verse 10, when Jesus heals the people, and they bow down to him, and worship him. It says, "as many as could come for the multitude did akiss his feet, insomuch that they did bathe his feet with their tears." The spirit must have been soooooo strong there. It says also that he weeps because of his joy. It makes me think of the day when we will all be in the arms of Jesus at our journey´s end, and the joy will be so great that we won't be able to hold back from weeping. I love this Gospel so much. Something I really can't wait to do is to hug Jesus Christ. Even though it may sound kinda corny, I know it will be the warmest and most living hug I ever receive. Love you guys, and God bless.
Missionaries in Office |
FICHERO - Data Man |
Elder Pearson
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