First off I want to say Happy Birthday to Kaycee, Nikki, and Grandma Ash!!!! Love you guys and Happy Birthday.
So we took over the APs area and we are having some good success there. The APs are only there for a little time, so they don't really work too much with the members. We have some great strong people there that are helping us out a lot. Sounds like everyone is doing great and that all is well. The office is going good, and our area is doing awesome. Me and Elder Thornton are working hard when we have the chance to work, and are being blessed a lot. I think I told you last week about Claudia, but she is progressing so well. She told us that she has no doubts and can't wait to get baptized. We even moved her baptismal date up a little bit. She understands so well. She lived in Australia for 10 years and told us that she will be going back there in about a year. She is so excited about church that she asked if there was a church in Australia that she could go to when she goes back.
Last P-day we went to the TGI Fridays they have here in Asuncion, for Elder Thornton's Birthday and it was amazing. Haha. We also had the chance on Monday to help out with service and help the Operation Smile people here. There were two Americans there and it was fun to talk to them. We carried tons of boxes into a hospital where they were going to do the stuff. We were supposed to help today, but it was raining a ton so they canceled it. This week we also pushed an enormous gas truck up a little hill with some guys and then gave them a pass a long card. We got these new cards in the mission, and we are using them like beasts. We have TONS and they are a good ice breaker in contacts. Besides those little funny things, things are going really well.
This morning I was reading in Ether 12 about faith, in verses 20 and 21 that talk about the brother of Jared. Basically, it says that he has so much faith that even Jesus Christ could not withhold showing himself unto him. Our Savior and Redeemer, the most magnificent man ever, could not stop from telling the brother of Jared all things because of his faith. It is an awesome story. It really made me think of what I scale myself on the faith scale. Faith does everything for us, it gets us through those hard times, and gives us the strength and ability to pray, read, and do those things that can comfort us. Faith can open doors and give us amazing opportunities. Everytime Jesus Christ performed a miracle, he says it's done by your faith. The Lord is waiting to bless us, but it is solely by our faith. I love this gospel so much and have been so blessed to be a missionary and to have learned the things I have. I love you all so much and God bless.
Elder Pearson
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