On Sat, Aug 13, 2011 at 11:28 AM, Chase Pearson <chase.pearson@myldsmail.net> wrote:
Heyyy Everybody!!!!
This week was good! Just a little rough as far as field work goes. With changes coming up in a couple weeks we have a lot of stuff to get ready in the office, and it sometimes means we don't have as much time to get out and work in our area which really stinks to be honest. And then it makes it worse when you actually get to go out and all of your citas fall. We had such good days lined up with some really good people who we thought were going to progress and they all fell. This area is really tough, the hardest area in the mission. Everyone is extremely rich and most of our contacts are done through intercoms, which makes it really easy for them to say no. And if we actually get to see someone it is usually the maid or worker who lives way far away, and watches the house for them. basically we have been working really hard at getting street contacts, but most the people who we contract don´t live in our area.
But, we found a cool guy named Pablo. He is recovering cocaine addict who was in jail and would pray to God every night, and really felt like he was blessed to be alive. he said he was close to dying and because he went to jail he was saved. (if that makes sense) We have been working like fools here in the office, and I really hope we can see some success this next week in our area. I love you guys soo very much and am so grateful for the family I was given and born into. I know this church is true and have sincerely been blessed with the knowledge of having a heavenly Father who loves me and with the knowledge of what will happen to me. It really is a blessing to know what comes next. I love Jesus Christ. He is my Savior and Redeemer and Brother and I know he loves each and every one of us. He died for us and because of him we can all have a second chance, and become clean of our sins and faults. I love you guys and God bless.
Elder Pearson
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