First, I want to say Happy 1 Year Anniversary to Wes and Jamie!!!!!
Sounds like all the summer visits and trips are going well and have been fun. I am glad you all are enjoying the summer sun! The office is going well, just SUPER CRAZY this last week. It was what we call ficha week. Basically, there is a deadline that we have to have all the registros in by, so I have to call all the missionaries that haven't sent in there registros yet, and I have to fix all the wrong ones and also do a whole bunch of little things on top of that. It was kinda crazy, but I did it! I have already learned some good things working so close to President Madariaga and I know this will be a helpful experience.
As far as the field goes, it is good! We have some really cool investigators who are all progressing really well and mostly all want to get baptized. One of the Assistants only has like a couple days left on his mission so President sent him out into real Paraguay to finish. So, since he left, Elder Short went up to AP and will be there for a week or so, until special changes. So it's just me and Thornton. He is a really cool guy. I like him a lot. We have been waking up in the morning to play soccer and basketball for our workout. Hopefully, it will help and I won't get toooo fat here in the office. There are just too many good places to eat here in Asuncion.
We have an investigator named Vikki. Her husband is a member, but really inactive. She has such great desires to be baptized, but her husband doesn't want to get married to her. They have a lot of kids and it is just a tough situation. But, E Thornton and I went over there the other night and por suerte "with luck" found Eduardo, the husband, just getting home from work. We were able to sit down and have a good conversation with the whole family and that had never happened with them. Me and Elder Thornton bore strong testimony of marriage and eternal life with our families. The spirit was really strong and he seemed to really be thinking about what we were saying. I hope he honestly took it to heart and took the commitment to pray and ask God for direction. Hopefully, he was not just sweet talking us like a lot of people do. I can't imagine my life without my family. They mean everything to me. I am so grateful to my Heavenly Father for creating His plan so that we can return with Him and our families to live in eternal happiness.
Here are some pictures of when I left Mboi´y and from when we went to the zoo today. It was really fun. I love you all so very much and am so grateful for the love and support you all show to me. God bless.
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