Hey Everybody!!
Sorry for not being able to write yesterday. We had a leader training meeting and the bus ride I take is about 8 hours so I didn't have very much time. Things are great though, and my last week is here. It scares me, I won't lie, and it doesn't feel like it is really going to end, but I am excited to work super hard. Just like it says in Moroni 9:6
And now, my beloved son, notwithstanding their hardness, let us labor adiligently; for if we should cease to blabor, we should be brought under condemnation; for we have a labor to perform whilst in this tabernacle of clay, that we may conquer the enemy of all righteousness, and rest our souls in the kingdom of God.
The training meeting was really great and some great things were shared. The wife of Elder Di Giovanni of the Seventy shared about disanimation and how it can be hard sometimes as a missionary, but talked about what we can do to always feel better. She shared 2nd Nephi 4 and Nephi´s prayer. When we think of Nephi, we think AWESOME PROPHET. But in verse 17 it shows us that even he was a little disanimated. But as you keep reading the chapter, Nephi starts counting his blessings and remembering all the good that he has. It really is a great helper in life and it gives us the ability to conquer the hard times.
I love you all so much and, even though I am going to miss this amazing country and people, I am excited to see all of you. God bless.
Elder Pearson
Sorry for not being able to write yesterday. We had a leader training meeting and the bus ride I take is about 8 hours so I didn't have very much time. Things are great though, and my last week is here. It scares me, I won't lie, and it doesn't feel like it is really going to end, but I am excited to work super hard. Just like it says in Moroni 9:6
And now, my beloved son, notwithstanding their hardness, let us labor adiligently; for if we should cease to blabor, we should be brought under condemnation; for we have a labor to perform whilst in this tabernacle of clay, that we may conquer the enemy of all righteousness, and rest our souls in the kingdom of God.
The training meeting was really great and some great things were shared. The wife of Elder Di Giovanni of the Seventy shared about disanimation and how it can be hard sometimes as a missionary, but talked about what we can do to always feel better. She shared 2nd Nephi 4 and Nephi´s prayer. When we think of Nephi, we think AWESOME PROPHET. But in verse 17 it shows us that even he was a little disanimated. But as you keep reading the chapter, Nephi starts counting his blessings and remembering all the good that he has. It really is a great helper in life and it gives us the ability to conquer the hard times.
I love you all so much and, even though I am going to miss this amazing country and people, I am excited to see all of you. God bless.
Elder Pearson
I am not sure if you still look at your blog, but my daughter is in Paraguay now. She just received a transfer call. She will be in Yby. I was wondering if you might have anyone you would like her to contact. You can find her page on Facebook, which I maintain for her while she is gone. Justyna Willis. I would love any information about the area that you can send my way. Thanks