Hey Everybody!
It is good to hear that everyone is doing well in California and that all is well with the family. This week was really good. We had some good lessons with our investigators and almost all of them were about the Restoration. Then we talked about the persons needs and related it back to the Restoration, or really the Gospel of Jesus Christ. It is so cool how any problem we have and any trial that might come in our path can be helped and resolved through the Gospel of Jesus Christ and the Plan of Happiness. We have some good investigators here in the area and I think that my companions, Elder Roberts and Elder Meryhew, are going to do well here after I leave.
Last Monday, we received an email from President Arnold of the Seventy telling us that he was going to come and have a meeting with all the zone leaders and that they needed to come to the meeting fasting. He also said he needed a whiteboard and a projector. Basically, it was a surprise visit from President Arnold! I didn´t get to go into the meeting, but from the comments I heard after, it was really spiritual. I remember the zone conference we had with him a little while back and how strong the spirit was when he testified of Jesus Christ. It made me feel like he had seen him or talked face to face with him before. It was such a real testimony of the Savior.
I got 2 MORE WEEKS IN HERE!!!!!!!! I won´t lie, I can´t wait to leave the office and go back out into the field. It is going to be great. I love the office, and it helped me out a lot, but nothing is better than the sweet smell of cow poop and burning garbage! Rotten mangoes are always a nice touch too. Really though, the smells really bring back some great mission memories for me, of my time with the Indians and the humble people of the Chaco. This morning I got a little taste of it when we went to Cerro Koi. It is about a 30 minute drive from here in Asuncion. It was really cool, and you could see downtown Asuncion and Lake Ypacarai (here known as the Miami of Paraguay) It was really fun. We went and climbed for awhile and then found some good rocks to sit on to do our studies. We ended it with a good dinner at a cool restaurant here called La Vianesa. Pretty chuchi. It was a good P-day reviver for the work this next week. I am so exited for the work out there in the campo. Our mission has really been struggling lately with our success, and we have been all trying really hard to get better. All I know is that when I am back out in the fields of beautiful Paraguay, I am going to hit the ground running!!! I fasted the other day for a good change with a good companion that I can work well with. Presidente told me that I would probably be training in March when Elder Funk comes, but he said he doesn`t know if it will be with Elder Funk. But, I will probably be training which I am exited for. I love you all so much and have much to be thankful for in my life, starting out with my family and friends who have always helped me.
Elder Pearson
Lake Ypacarai |
Hiking on P-Day |
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