Sounds like everybody is getting set up for the holidays. Hopefully, we can get something good together and we don´t die from our cooking. Ha.
This week was super crazy, as well as last week, since we had Zone Conference. And, we had 2 news come in that couldn't get their visas until now, so it was kinda a crazy week. A little on the rough side as far as the work goes, but we did find a new investigator. His name is Jean Lucas and he knows almost perfect english. He lived in the states for 9 years, in Queens. It is funny because his little brother who was born there in Queens has a New York accent so it makes me trunky for Jersey. He is really cool and unreal at soccer. Hopefully, he gets some good friends here in the church because he is really shy.
I am sorry this letter is so lame. We had tons of little jobs to do for La Hermana Madariagra this week, which means our time in the area was hurt, and we couldn't get a ton done. Here are some pictures from the trip to Filidalfia. It was a really fun trip. Something I have really noticed while being here in the office is how much I miss studying my scriptures when I don't have time to do so. It is something I honestly never thought I would say, but it really makes a difference in your day when you read your scriptures and do your studying.
Elder Cerda, one of the assistants, had a sealing of one of his families and it was a really cool experience to see them after the sealing. They were so happy, and Elder Cerda really saw the fruits of his labors. It is a testimony builder to see converts in the temple, even if they are not your converts.
My testimony of the scriptures has grown, and of my Savior as well. I love you all so much and hope this next week goes well. God bless.
Love Elder Pearson
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