So first I want to say HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO GRANDMA!!!!
This week was really super crazy. We received our 30 newbies and it was a crazy 3 days. Along with the 30 news we had 19 elders who died, or went home. Pretty much the secretary has the most to do during changes and I have nothing really set to do. So pretty much I am the go-to guy for all the little things, and there were tons of little things, but tranquilo. It was actually fun to have all the news and be able to get to know some of them.
As far as the work is going, it is good. Claudia is progressing well and will get baptized this next week on our year mark which is pretty cool. She loves the gospel and really was, as they say, a golden investigator. We also have Gloria, who is a really smart lady. She is progressing really well, and they both told us they will come to Conference. But, it's raining so we shall see. We really didn't have that much time to work in our area this week because of the changes. It really was nuts around here. Pretty much this week that is all that happened. We got to go with all the news to a cerro (hill) called Lambare. It was fun, and the view from the top was really good. We had a testimony meeting and all the missionaries got to bear their testimonies. It was really spiritual and it was a cool experience.
Sorry this email is so lame, but really that's all that happened. Things are great and the mission is awesome. I honestly can't believe it has almost been a year. This mission really flies by, it feels like it has only been a couple months. Hopefully, this next year doesn't go by too fast because there are wayyyyy too many people that need this restored gospel. I love you all so very much and have been so blessed to have a family and friends like all of you. Que Dios les bendiga.
Con Amor
Elder Pearson
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