Wow! So a lot of stuff happened these last weeks with changes and everything. It is going to be such a cool opportunity to teach seminary Mom. You are going to do a great job! It is great to hear that everyone is doing well, and it is crazy to hear that Connor is already walking. So this week in the office has been really crazy and it was a little tough to get out and work because we had some capacitaciones for a couple zones that are close by. We had ours as well, and it was really good. President Madariaga, Hermana Madariaga, and the assistants gave classes. They were all really good and it helped me out a lot. I have already seen the mission from a different view being in the office. As the Fichero or registro guy, I have to give the numbers of every week to President Madariaga, and right now in the mission it is not a fun thing to do. The mission is really struggling right now in baptisms and President tries his hardest to have success in the work. Besides that I basically enter in registros and do a lot of little random things. It is tough a lot of times to get out and work, because something always comes up. We are supposed to leave the office at 4:30 everyday, but sometimes things come up. For example, last night we were going out to work and Hermana Madariaga called us and asked if we could go to pick up her daughter and son in law from the terminal. But even though this week was a little slow in the missionary work, we have some good investigators and I really think we are going to do well here. My P-day is now Saturday and we live in a really nice house close by the office. It is pretty nice, I am just afraid I will gain a little weight here. Ha ha. We don't get to go to the temple more, only every 6 months like the other missionaries, but I get to see it probably every other day or so. I am not going to lie. I was not excited about coming into the office, not at all, but I am excited to see what experiences will come from being in here. I have already learned some good things about missionary work. It is a tough job to work in the office all day, thinking about numbers and calling people for information, and then having to switch your mind set to missionary work and spreading the gospel. I love you all so very much and am so grateful for the family and friends that I have in my life. 1 Corinthians 2:9 "But as it is written, Eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man, the things which God hath prepared for them that love him." I love this scripture, because we cannot even imagine the blessings and amazing things that our Heavenly Father has waiting for us, and all we have to do to receive them is love him. Love him by showing our faith and works. The scriptures always say that the path is straight and narrow, and it's true. The path has been put before us and all we need to do is hold strong. I love this gospel so much and am so grateful for the help and aid that I have received in my life from my Heavenly Father. He loves each and every one of us so much, and no matter what we do or where we are, he will still love us and will still be waiting to hear our prayers and give us comfort and peace. I love you all so very much and am so grateful for the examples you have all been in my life. God bless.
Elder Pearson
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